Canola Meal

Canola Meal

What is Canola? Canola is a perennial brassica plant that comes from the same family as mustard, broccoli and turnips. It is a cool season plant where it best grows in conditions with cool nights and hot days which allow it to develop its unique fatty acids. From...
Waikato farmer plans ahead to avoid feed shortages

Waikato farmer plans ahead to avoid feed shortages

Waikato farmer plans ahead to avoid feed shortages This story was originally published in Open Country’s TalkMilk supplier newsletter (April 2022) With increasing global uncertainty disrupting supply chains, Te Pahu farmer Andrew Lord has planned to ensure he has...
Carfe Bypass Fat

Carfe Bypass Fat

Carfe, the premium, high energy bypass fat, in the form of a hydrogenated palm fatty acid. New to New Zealand, supplied by GrainCorp Feeds